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COVID-19 Information for SLOCOE Employees


COVID-19 Employee Health & Safety Protocols

Updated 07/15/2024

Employee Health Protocols

All staff are expected to follow Public Health Guidelines and SLOCOE protocols as they continue to change over the course of the pandemic.

Perform a daily self-assessment before you come to work. Employees experiencing symptoms related to COVID, or other illness, should remain home, communicate with their supervisor and/or Human Resources, and test for COVID/contact healthcare provider for guidance.

  • SLOCOE continues to follow Cal OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations in the workplace.
  • Employees are also advised to:
    • Practice regular hand washing – 20 seconds – when entering the building, regularly throughout the day, and before exiting.
    • Utilize the COVID-19 materials in your department or COVID-19 cart.
    • Maintain clutter free surfaces and workstations for efficient and regular cleaning and disinfecting.

Office Protocols

All staff will be trained in the use of cleaning and disinfecting products and will be expected to clean and disinfect their own work stations and any common areas they use. Custodians will clean and disinfect every night as well.


In the event that visitors need to enter the building, they must obtain prior approval and schedule an appointment. Visitors will be required to sign-in/out and follow all health and safety protocols.

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