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Paso Robles Rotary 100th Anniversary
Career Technical Education

Paso Robles Rotary 100th Anniversary

Cayucos Rotary Club Mad Hatter Ball
Career Technical Education

Cayucos Rotary Club Mad Hatter Ball

SLO County Arts Gala
Career Technical Education

SLO County Arts Gala

Signing Santa Program
Career Technical Education

Signing Santa Program

Educator Recruitment &Retention Symposium
Tony Thurmand, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, along with Dr. Brescia, County Superintendent of Schools, Susan Salcido, County Superintendent of Schools, Santa Barbara COE, and Santa Barbara COE staff

James Brescia, County Superintendent of Schools, and Tara Kini, Director of State Policy, Learning Policy Institute, at the Educator Recruitment & Retention Symposium, November 13 in Sacramento.

Tony Thurmand, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, along with Dr. Brescia, County Superintendent of Schools, Susan Salcido, County Superintendent of Schools, Santa Barbara COE, and Santa Barbara COE staff

Tony Thurmand, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, along with Dr. Brescia, County Superintendent of Schools, and Santa Barbara COE administrators.

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I consider it an honor and privilege to serve as your County Superintendent of Schools.  I pledge to provide leadership and service for all schools throughout San Luis Obispo County.  The County Superintendent of Schools serves as a spokesperson and advocate for the San Luis Obispo County students, staff and parents. The partnerships between the schools, families, and the larger community are the backbone of any success in the changing world of education.

Research indicates that whom we train and employ as our classroom teachers and school principals, has a great deal of influence on student success. We cannot underestimate the value of a highly qualified teacher or school administrator.  It is imperative that we act now to encourage intelligent young people to consider education as a profession.

James J. Brescia, Ed. D.

County Superintendent of Schools

SLOCOE eNews for January

Read the latest SLOCOE news including a message from Dr. Brescia, staff introductions and transitions and events.

County Superintendent of Schools

James J. Brescia, Ed.D.

Executive Assistant

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Karla Knuckles

Programs and Grants

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