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Educational Support Services

Regardless of the LEA, site, or program, one throughline exists in all educational systems in SLO County. While the numbers vary, the metrics of academic achievement, suspension, absenteeism, and college and career readiness tell the same story. English learners, foster youth, and students with disabilities perform significantly below their peers. Since all systems are designed to produce the results they achieve, the charge of the ESS department is to partner with others as they examine their current conditions and enhance systems to produce greater equity.

Using principles of Improvement and Implementation Sciences, the experienced staff works collectively to build sustainable solutions based on our partner’s context. Beyond the statutory mandates of program monitoring, charter school oversight, and approval of our district’s Local Control Accountability Plans, the ESS department provides targeted support for underserved communities, specialized professional development, leadership coaching, strategic planning, and multi-agency coordination in pursuit of creating environments where all students and staff can thrive.

The ESS team achieves results through trusting relationships, empathetic listening, courageous conversations, and facilitative thought partnership.

SLOCOE eNews for January

Read the latest SLOCOE news including a message from Dr. Brescia, staff introductions and transitions and events.

Assistant Superintendent

Joe Koski, Ed.D., Executive Director
Joe Koski, Ed.D.

Executive Assistant

No Photo Available
Mariah Jordan

Director, Early Learning Educational Support

Lauren Thorne, Certificated Sr. Grant Coordinator
Lauren Thorne

Program Director, Induction Programs

Kelly Ward, Program Director, Induction Programs
Kelly Ward

Director, Continuous Improvement and Support

Melanie Crawford,
Melanie Crawford

Director, Program Monitoring, Categorical Programs, and Data Analysis

Stacy Summers, Director, Program Monitoring, Categorical Programs, and Data Analysis
Stacy Summers

Program Director, Migrant Education

No Photo Available
Susanne Melton

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