Operational Services
SLOCOE facilities and staff are spread throughout the County from San Miguel to Nipomo. Operational Services maintenance staff are highly mobile and perform preventive and emergency maintenance as well as small projects.
Transportation and Fleet Vehicles
Transportation staff provide student bus service at various locations in South County, North County and San Luis Obispo. Operational Services is also responsible for scheduling and maintaining fleet, delivery and utility vehicles.
The Director of Operations serves as Safety Coordinator for worker compensation and liability issues and assists and advises the Superintendent’s staff on emergency preparedness and disaster response issues.
Operational Services coordinates all Use of Facilities requests for the county office of education. Information regarding requesting use of our facilities is located within the links below. Also, you may contact the Use of Facilities coordinator at 805-782-7251.
***Operational Services provides the point of contact with numerous regulatory agencies.
Director, Operational Services
Maintenance, Operations and Transportation Manager
Nelson Payton
Administrative Assistant II
Administrative Assistant I
Shanti Harris
- San Luis Obispo County Office of Education
- Office of James J. Brescia, Ed.D.
- 3350 Education Drive
- San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
- Tel: 805-543-7732
- Contact SLOCOE
- Contact Webmaster