SAFE System of CARE
Services Affirming Family Empowerment
For more information about developing a System of Support, please contact:
John Acosta – Classified Coordinator: Homeless Innovation Program
SAFE System of Care Toolkit for LEA: Toolkit
SAFE System of Care Resource List: SLO County Community Resource
SAFE System of Care was developed to respond to the needs of children and families on the Central Coast. The focus is to keep kids safe, healthy, at home, in school, and out of trouble. SAFE collaborators recognize the need for communication and collaboration in order to identify and remove barriers to accessing all the resources available to families. The SAFE System of Care is school-based, recognizing the important roles schools play in the lives of children, youth and families. SAFE is also family-affirming, recognizing that families have strengths. Strengths-based approaches built on existing strengths increase positive outcomes. SAFE is a multidisciplinary team of professionals focused on increasing identification and support of homeless students and other students in need, such as unaccompanied homeless youth, and juvenile justice system involved youth.
SAFE System of Care builds upon the concept of multidisciplinary community-based, integrated, school-linked delivery models. Three levels of service are incorporated:
- SAFE Intensive Meetings (family and multi-agency, strengths-based meeting)
- Family Advocate services (one on one support of Family Advocate with family or unaccompanied homeless youth)
- Community prevention activities (Housing support, Parent Connection parenting classes)
Services are family-and child-centered and the family is incorporated into the planning and service delivery.
SAFE Partners have identified the following values to guide practice:
- Multi-agency case planning to include the parent and child in the development of the plan
- Collaboration and coordination of service delivery to eliminate narrow interventions, fragmentation and duplication of efforts
- Co-location of multi-agency staff to improve communication, promote cross training and improve understanding of each agency’s resources and strengths
- Continuum of service creating level of service within an enhanced system of care allows client needs to be met in the least restrictive manner possible
- Cultural competence via bilingual/bicultural staff and focus on improving access to culturally diverse groups
- Community-based interventions provide services in the neighborhoods, schools and homes of the families involved
- Child and family centered services directly involve families in the planning process supporting and developing natural family resources and strengths
- Interagency case planning for families involved with multiple agencies to determine the most efficient case plan
- Evaluation of collaborative outcomes by using a unique data collection system created and maintained by the SAFE Management Support Team
- Oversight provided by a multi-agency mid-management committee to monitor effectiveness, resolve problematic issues, develop policy, provide direction and assist with outcome reports
- San Luis Obispo County Office of Education
- Office of James J. Brescia, Ed.D.
- 3350 Education Drive
- San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
- Tel: 805-543-7732
- Contact SLOCOE
- Contact Webmaster