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SLOCOE Professional Development and Instructional Support Wants To Hear From You!

We won’t have deeper learning for our students if we don’t have deeper learning for ourselves as educators. Highly effective professional learning experiences are a critical component in building the capacity of everyone in our school systems. Collective capacity... read more

Coaching Leaders

Our work in education is steeped in challenges; both systemic challenges and individual ones, small and large. We tend to pursue solutions based on the way that problems are defined and we define problems according to our interpretation of what we observe.  The work... read more

The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.  — Henry Ford, Founder, Ford Motor Company

There is no question that school business is complex.  From the days of the one room schoolhouse, the utilization of public moneys for the educating our children brings layers of complexity and accountability that are particularly endemic to school business.  The... read more

Building an Inclusive Culture

What comes to mind when you think about culture? This expression is used often, but conceptualized in different ways. To a jazz musician, a mention of culture may conjure images of a jazz combo on a New Orleans street corner. To a biologist, thoughts of cultivating... read more

Grad Rates in SLO County Continue to Shine

Graduation Rates for the 16-17 4 Year Cohort group were recently released.  The methodology for computing graduation rates has changed from previous years due to a federal audit.  As part of this process, three significant changes were implemented for calculating 2017... read more
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