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English Language Learners

English Language Learners (ELLs) are students whose first language is not English and who are in the process of becoming proficient and literate in the English language. They are a diverse group of students, with different linguistic, academic, and social-emotional needs. Students who speak the same language or have similar levels of language proficiency may need very different kinds of support to succeed in the classroom.

The California Department of Education Data Reporting Office states that in 2018, San Luis Obispo County had 4,660 (13.4%) students classified as English Language Learners. Countywide, the prevalent language is Spanish with 4,390 (94%) students.

Each district provides services specific to the students’ linguistic needs, providing Designated and Integrated English Language Development to all English Learners. The Educational Support Services Department at SLOCOE is committed to supporting districts in their implementation of the California ELA-ELD Framework (2014) and the instructional programs they employ to ensure the academic success of English Language Learners.

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