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Quality Counts: Supporting Early Care and Education in San Luis Obispo County

Quality Counts San Luis Obispo is part of a statewide system of Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS), which helps to inform and connect parents and families to high-quality early learning and care programs, and ensures that infants, toddlers, and... read more

Community Involvement In Early Education

Communities play an important role for young children. It is in communities that children grow and develop trusting caring relationships. Children grow emotionally, intellectually, and physically through both their relationships and through their... read more

Together, Let’s Create the Change WE Wish to See in the World

Getting ready for school entails more than a good night sleep, hearty breakfast and a backpack with completed homework. In addition to learning academics, students true school readiness ideally includes social emotional skills as well as executive function and... read more

Promoting Family Engagement in the Early Learning Classroom

What does this look like in a early learning classroom? Embracing each child’s family will enhance their partnership in the classroom. A family is made up of the people that care for the child, which can mean a variety of family structures. The first step of family... read more

Building Resilience: The Power to Cope With Adversity

Are you tired, stressed, unsure of a family members health? These things impact you AND young children and teens as well. Everyday experiences or challenges could potentially trigger adversity in children.  We tend to idealize childhood as a carefree time, but youth... read more
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