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Safety Incentive Programs

Fitness Challenge
Reading Accomplishment

Wendy Johnson Fitness Challenge Winner

Classroom Safety
Reading Accomplishment

Classroom Safety

Safety Hazard
Reading Accomplishment

Convex mirror to allow 3 way view of the main hallway in the Administration building

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The SLOCOE Safety Committee sponsors four Safety Incentive programs. Each of these programs offers incentives in the form of gift cards that are awarded as the result of a random drawing from all of the eligible entries. The drawings are held at the monthly Safety Committee meetings. Submissions for the drawings are due before the next safety committee meeting. The submission pool will be renewed after each drawing. Winners will be eligible to win no more than once within a 90-day period for each drawing.

Caught in the Act

This program is designed to encourage safe acts by allowing employees to act as “agents at large” to report their co-workers who are witnessed performing tasks in a safe manner. The witnessed co-worker, or “perpetrator”, is eligible to win a gift card. The winning “Agent at Large” is awarded a gift card. A winning entry is selected monthly. 

Complete a Safety Module

This program requires employees to go to and complete as many safety modules as they wish. They then submit the safety module completion certificates to the safety committee for inclusion in the
current drawing. The winner of the drawing receives a gift card.

Health and Fitness Challenge

This program encourages personal health and fitness habits by requiring interested employees to complete a monthly fitness log showing at least 15 minutes of exercise for at least 10 days each month. Two winners are drawn from the submitted log sheets at the safety committee meeting. The winners receive a gift card.


SIPE Monthly Safety Quiz

This program encourages participation in the monthly safety topics presented at the employee groups monthly safety meetings. All COE employees are sent an email link to an online test covering the month’s safety topic. Those employees who successfully pass the test are entered into the monthly drawing for a gift card.

Site Self Inspections

This program encourages each SLOCOE Department to perform their site inspections before the December 1 deadline. Those that accomplish this task within the given time frame are allotted funds with which to purchase employee safety items/equipment.

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