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Healthy Kids in Our Schools

Educational Support Services

Traci Theis

Senior Program Coordinator

The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) will be administered through the schools in the SLO County Consortium in February 2018.

CHKS Support for the LCAP 
The surveys provide a wealth of information to guide school improvement efforts and your Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), particularly in regard to the state priorities of enhancing school climate, pupil engagement, and parent involvement.  CalSCHLS Survey Specifications for 2017/18 related to LCAP:

Past Data Findings in 2015-2016 School Years: 
The CHKS data can help guide schools in understanding the social and emotional health of students to help improve student academic learning, behavior and overall success in school.

  • Academic motivation for all grades increased between 2-8{54329575e43903515b6375f839a54aac4bf2c18110cf26a03688255a847e6139} and most students felt they try to work hard, understand new things and were interested in their work.
  • 45{54329575e43903515b6375f839a54aac4bf2c18110cf26a03688255a847e6139} to 67{54329575e43903515b6375f839a54aac4bf2c18110cf26a03688255a847e6139} of all grades felt a strong school connectedness and 60 to 76{54329575e43903515b6375f839a54aac4bf2c18110cf26a03688255a847e6139} of all grades perceived school as a very safe or safe.


The SLO County Behavioral Health Department programs include Friday Night Live which creates partnerships for positive and healthy youth development in our local middle and high schools and FNL helps administer the CHKS in schools.

How can Friday Night Live (FNL) help support students? 
Friday Night Live chapters provide a place for young people to come together to make positive changes in their schools and communities and create awareness and change around issues affecting the youth of San Luis Obispo County, including substance use, school climate and mental wellness.

Please help encourage more students to participate in the many activities available at Friday Night Live chapters in our local schools which promote positive social and emotional health for students.  For more information on Friday Night Live SLO County:

Traci Theis, M.A.Ed., CCTO
Sr. Coordinator Ed Technology and TUPE
Educational Support Services Division
San Luis Obispo County Office of Education

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