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The Candidate Packet is listed under the Board of Education Tab, Resources, San Luis Obispo County Board of Education Candidate Information Sheet, and the map is listed under the Board of Education Tab, Resources, County Board of Education Trustee Districts.

Earn Your Bilingual Authorization in Spanish for Free!

For more information on these Bilingual Authorization options, please contact: Traci Theis, Sr. Coordinator Educational Support Services Department San Luis Obispo County Office of Education 805-782-7283 read more

What’s New in Ed Tech?

Local ED Technology News: SLO CUE Connect and network with our local educators who are part of SLO CUE. It is still free to join before March 16, 2018. In April a local meet-up will take place for SLO CUE members and watch for more details of our next tech event for... read more

Teach Bilingual CA

The San Luis Obispo County Office of Education has been awarded a $625,000 grant for Bilingual Teacher Professional Development by the California Department of Education. Four school districts and four county offices of education throughout the state have received... read more

The Assessments are Coming!

Welcome to the new calendar year.  With that comes the whirlwind of testing frenzy, from Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English Language Arts and Mathematics to AP testing and more.  This year there are two new assessments that are being added to the mix,... read more

“The Shifts” aka The Three Major Principles of the CaCCSS for Mathematics

According to the California Mathematics Framework there are three Major Principles of the California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.  They are also commonly referred to as the “shifts”.  Focus, Coherence and Rigor are those three principles.  The shifts... read more
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