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The Candidate Packet is listed under the Board of Education Tab, Resources, San Luis Obispo County Board of Education Candidate Information Sheet, and the map is listed under the Board of Education Tab, Resources, County Board of Education Trustee Districts.

Healthy Kids in Our Schools

The California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) will be administered through the schools in the SLO County Consortium in February 2018. CHKS Support for the LCAP  The surveys provide a wealth of information to guide school improvement efforts and your Local Control and... read more

What is your data telling you?

It is that time of year when the state releases the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment Data for 2016-2017. With the release of the SBAC Data, school districts, principals, teachers and others look to see how their students and schools did in relation to others. ... read more

Formative Assessment is an Intentional Process

“The process used by teachers and students to recognize and respond to student learning in order to enhance that learning, during the learning” ~Dylan Wiliam

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Teachers Anticipating Unfinished Learning Part 2

That was some cliffhanger, wasn’t it!?  Seriously, what did those students from 4th grade remember from 3rd grade about Fractions and Area?  If you have no idea what I’m referring to, here is the blog post about Teachers Anticipating Unfinished Learning, (see you back... read more

Teachers Anticipate Unfinished Learning

Imagine bringing four teachers, who have never met, together to discuss math.  These teachers are from different districts, different experiences, and different backgrounds. They had never met each other in any capacity or scenario. However, they do have one thing in... read more
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