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Improve and Maximize Programs so All Children Thrive (IMPACT)

Educational Support Services

Lauren Thorne

Certificated Sr. Grant Coordinator

SLOCOE is proud to be part of the First 5 IMPACT (Improve and Maximize Programs so All Children Thrive) grant. IMPACT is an innovative approach that forges partnerships between First 5 California and counties to achieve the goal of helping children ages 0 to 5 and their families thrive by increasing the number of high-quality early learning settings, including supporting and engaging families in the early learning process. Supporting more settings to achieve high-quality standards helps ensure more of California’s children enter school with the skills, knowledge, and dispositions necessary to be successful. This provides families and early care and education professionals the information and support they need to promote and optimize children’s development and learning, both inside and outside the home.

The activities by IMPACT SLO are targeted to support early learning sites, center-based and family childcare, in their commitment to high quality Early Care and Education. A number of activities have been developed to promote family engagement, school readiness, and a focus on the whole child. These activities have not only been implemented in Early Care and Education sites, but also have been implemented in Alternative Sites, such as community-based organizations, family resource centers, home visitation programs, and libraries. This has further deepened the breadth of partners who are dedicated to supporting the early learning and development of our children.

SLOCOE has a history of networking and collaborating across disciplines. Please contact Lauren Thorne, Early Learning Educational Support Coordinator, for more information regarding IMPACT SLO and the commitment to quality Early Care and Education.

Lauren Thorne

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