The Candidate Packet is listed under the Board of Education Tab, Resources, San Luis Obispo County Board of Education Candidate Information Sheet, and the map is listed under the Board of Education Tab, Resources, County Board of Education Trustee Districts.
Educational Equity for Students in Foster Care
Youth in the foster care system are just like every other student. They want to do well in school – get good grades, have fun with their friends, attend prom, and go to college. But foster youth face unique and significant challenges – many of which are... read moreCreate a Culture of Caring
Students experiencing homelessness often face overwhelming challenges. By definition, homeless students lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Whether students are staying temporarily with family or friends – or staying in a shelter, motel, or... read moreContact
- San Luis Obispo County Office of Education
- Office of James J. Brescia, Ed.D.
- 3350 Education Drive
- San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
- Tel: 805-543-7732
- Contact SLOCOE
- Contact Webmaster