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SLOCOE eNews for May

Read the latest SLOCOE news including a message from Dr. Brescia, staff introductions and transitions and events.

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Using Evidence to Strengthen Education Investments

This is the time of year when all of our districts are putting the final touches on their Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) prior to board approval.  Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA) along with the Local Control Accountability Act (LCFF) in California,... read more

Considerations for Developing Social, Emotional, and Academic Capacity

With the introduction of MTSS, greater emphasis is being placed on the need for educators to consider the role that Social-Emotional Learning plays in our educational system. There are many programs surfacing to support districts and certainly more information is... read more

Teacher Appreciation

It is May, which among many things means we celebrate our teachers and dedicate this week to them. Officially, Tuesday is Teacher Appreciation Day. This is one of our traditions in education that all of us embrace as an opportunity to publicly acknowledge our teachers... read more

Our Students, Our Schools, Our Communities

Community Engagement is a key component of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) priority 3.  According to the California Department of Education (CDE), family and community engagement greatly increases the likelihood that students will learn and... read more
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